Navigating towards your language goals
The early years landscape is highly complex with a lot of moving parts and the process of practice change is not straightforward and certainly not linear. Talking Matters draws on an indigenous navigation framework – Hautū Waka – to plan, track and reflect on our journey with our partners. For an initial understanding of the framework, its whakapapa and its core components, check out this resource....
February 6, 2025The Talanoa principles
The Talanoa Principles, were developed by Ina Fautua and her mother, in partnership with Talking Matters. They are rooted in the Samoan understanding of the Va, which shapes how Samoans, relate to and connect with each other.“Va is the space between, the betweenness—not an empty space that separates, but a space that connects, holding separate entities and things together in the Unity-that-is-All. It is the space that provides context, giving meaning to things. These meanings shift as relati...
October 15, 2024Give It A Go! - Language Actions
Download this printable resource on Language Actions - Practical strategies to boost responsive interactions in Early Childhood Education settings...
April 25, 2024Myths and Facts about Bilingualism
Download this printable resource on Myths and Facts about Bilingualism...
April 25, 2024Talking Tips for responsive interactions
Download this printable set of Talking Tips...
April 22, 2024Building language rich environments, Jilly Tyler
In a recent episode of the Purposely Podcast, we had the pleasure of hosting Jilly Tyler, CEO of Talking Matters New Zealand, where we posed the fundamental question: "Why does talking matter?"...
March 28, 2024It's never too early to start learning Te Reo Māori
Download this printable resource...
April 18, 2023I can reach anything
Life can be tough as a māmā, for some more than others. Despite the challenges, they want their tamariki to have it better than they got.Treens and Willow were on the Talking Matters kaupapa during their time at Granger Grove - Anglican Trust for Women and Children. With Willow now thriving at school, Treens is back at the Grove supporting mums to build strong connections with their tamariki through kōrero....
December 7, 2022Natural born Einsteins
Kōkako shows us how babies are born ready to communicate in all the languages of their whānau. In her home they share the taonga of te reo Māori, Quechuan (an indigenous language of Peru), Spanish and English. Multilingualism supports neural connections as well as human ones. When we connect with our tūpuna and ancestral ties, our home languages connect us to each other and to our mother lands all over the world....
December 1, 2022Reading & storytelling to set whānau up for success
Talking Matters partnered with Auckland Libraries and Duffy Books for a webinar discussing the benefits of reading & storytelling with babies and children.Bringing together community-based professionals Jilly Tyler of Talking Matters NZ, Linda Vagana of Duffy Books in Homes and Bron Austin of Auckland Council Libraries, our panel of experts discusses the benefits of reading, talking and singing together, how these impact our children’s development, and provides practical tips and ideas for par...
September 23, 2022Talking Matters Testimonials
Download this printable version of the Testimonials...
August 18, 2022Talking tips
Download this printable version of the Talking Tips...
July 20, 2022Why Talking Matters
Download a Coaching resources on Why Talking Matters...
April 14, 2022Ēhara tāku toa i te toa takitahi, engari he toa takitini: the power of a collective
This paper describes a community-led parenting initiative that focuses on babies’ and young children’s oral language. The authors present a path in oral language research and parental support congruent with a philosophy that promotes linguistic and cultural pluralism within the Aotearoa/New Zealand context. International research is filtered and incorporated based on the contextual fit and woven together with the rich local knowledge of parenting partners.Read the paper...
May 19, 2021Iwi as early oral language leaders with Talking Matters
Hana Tuwhare, Community Activator, with support from Anthony-Quinn Cowley, Community Activator-Ōpōtiki, and Huhana Moselen. ...
March 1, 2021Decentering ourselves and making space for whānau to flourish
Emma Quigan, Community Action Lead for Talking Matters...
March 1, 2021Pēpi Pēnapēna series
Nau mai, haere mai e te whānau and come with us on our journey to reclaim, reframe and realise the power and potential of tūpuna parenting. Our tūpuna pre-colonial times were gentle and respectful parents and whānau. They can help us be great parents to our tamariki too. For this series, Talking Matters partnered with Liz Harte (Ngati Porou, Ngāpuhi) of Pepi Penapena - Cherish Babies ...
January 1, 2021De-colonising and re-centering
Hana Tuwhare (Ngāpuhi), Community Activator for Talking Matters ...
September 1, 2020Talking Changes : The Bernard Bubble
A series following the journey of 1 yr old Hawaiki, as he embarked on a strange new normal during the Covid-19 Level 4, 3 & 2 lockdowns in Aotearoa-New Zealand . Episode 1: Everything has changed, for all of us. It's easy to assume it's just us adults feeling weird about this bizarre new world we live in, but pēpi and tamariki have noticed too! Check out how the Bernard whānau are adjusting to bubble...
April 17, 2020Talking Matters – it’s never too early to talk with your baby
Te Amio-whenua at almost-3 was living proof of the power of early talk. In this video, she and her whānau share their experience of applying the Talking Matters kaupapa in the first thousand days of a baby’s life. Kō Te Amio-whenua tēnei, he tata tana pākeke ki te toru tau. Ko ia te tino tau mataaho o te mahi kōreroreo kī te pēpi i te&nb...
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